June 19, 2019 – Hewitt, TX – The Hewitt Kiwanis Club honors six High School Students with $1,000 Scholarships

The Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. Our members help shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, mentor the disadvantaged and care for the sick. We develop young leaders, build playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research and more. No problem is too big or too small. Working together, our members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child a chance to learn, dream and succeed, great things happen!

The Hewitt Kiwanis Club is proud to congratulate and wish the best of luck to the following students:

Alyssa Santiago, Lorena; Jasmine Salazar, Midway; Madison Powell, Midway; Riley Cowan, Midway; Hunter Martinez, Midway; Jacob Meek, Midway


Keith Parnell



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