Join The GHCOC for a Pre-Solar Eclipse Event on April 7, 2024 at The Backyard Bar, Stage and Grill

The Greater Hewitt Chamber of Commerce is partnering up with The Backyard on Sunday, April 7! Enjoy a FREE concert by Sloppy Joe Band, vendors, food, drinks and merchandise for  purchase. Opening act to include JP with Jon Fox.  Scroll to view sponsorships and monitor our Facebook Page for all final pre-eclipse schedule details!

The Backyard will open at 11:00 a.m. No cover charge! Enjoy live music, food and drinks for purchase, vendors at this once in a lifetime pre- Solar Eclipse experience! T-Shirts and Merchandise available for purchase. JP with Jon Fox will take the stage at 3:00 p.m., Sloppy Joe Trio to follow!

Members: Click here to secure your sponsorship and contact with questions!

Presenting $2,000 – Exclusive to 1 member
  • Event advertised as View It In Hewitt Solar Eclipse presented by “your business”
  • 1 Radio interview
  • 2 Social Media Business Showcase Posts
  • Logo prominently placed on billboard, advertisements and media promotions
  • Opening announcements opportunity
  • Chamber e-bulletin, website, Hewitt Express, Social Media Platforms, Fliers and Posters
  • 2 banner display opportunities throughout event (member provides)
  • 1 vendor space
  • 5 pairs of eclipse glasses
  • 2 Eclipse t-shirts
  • 1 Social Media Business Showcase Post
  • Logo on back of shirts to be sold to the public
  • Logo placed on advertisements and media promotions
  • Logo on Event banner at entrance
  • Chamber e-bulletin, website, Hewitt Express, Social Media Platforms, Fliers and Posters
  • Up to 2 banner display opportunities throughout event (member provides)
  • 3 pairs of eclipse glasses
  • 1 Eclipse t-shirt
  • 1 vendor space
  • 1 Social Media Business Showcase Post
  • Logo placed on advertisements and media promotions
  • Logo on Event banner at entrance and signage next to information station
  • Chamber e-bulletin, website, Hewitt Express, Social Media Platforms, Fliers and Posters
  • 1 Vendor space
  • Logo placed on advertisements and media promotions
  • Logo on Event Koozie placed in goodie bags and Event banner at entrance
  • Chamber e-bulletin, website, Hewitt Express, Social Media Platforms, Fliers and Posters
  • 1 Vendor space
  • Logo placed on advertisements and media promotions
  • Logo on Event banner at entrance
  • Chamber e-bulletin, website, Hewitt Express, Social Media Platforms, Fliers and Posters
  • Up to 2 banner display opportunities throughout event (member provides)
  • 2 pairs of eclipse glasses
  • 1 vendor space
  • 1 Social Media Business Showcase Post
  • Logo placed on advertisements and media promotions
  • Logo on Event banner at entrance and signage next to information station
  • Chamber e-bulletin, website, Hewitt Express, Social Media Platforms, Fliers and Posters
  • 1 Vendor space @ Info Station
  • Logo scrolling on Big Screen behind stage during Sloppy Joe’s concert at The Backyard on April 7
  • Name Recognition on digital graphic promoting supporting sponsors
  • Name Recognition on digital graphic promoting vendors

The Solar Eclipse will be advertised on, Hewitt Express Magazine, Waco & the Heart of Texas, Digital billboard (Hewitt Drive), Media Sponsors, Facebook and Instagram.


*Confirm by February 26 to receive all benefits.

10 spots available! The Pre- Solar Eclipse event at The Backyard Bar, Stage and Grill will be advertised on, Hewitt Express Magazine, Waco & the Heart of Texas, Shooter FM, Facebook and Instagram, and we’re expecting a 2,000+ come and go attendance! Vendor cost is $50 for members and limited to one per company.

Vendors are responsible for tables, chairs, tents and electricity. Selling allowed, Wi-Fi not available.

Venue will open at 11:00 a.m., and vendor set up begins at 2:00 pm. Vendors must be in place no later by 3:00 pm. The event will be from 3:00 p.m. to close. Exclusive to one vendor per company. Vendors and all persons associated are expected to practice professional behavior and may be asked to leave event immediately by the hosting organization.

Vendors are expected to be respectful of others’ property and avoid conflict. Be mindful of crowded parking situation in downtown area, plan accordingly.

Please note that advertising/sponsorships/vendor reservations are not refundable as dollars go toward ongoing community development efforts. By registering, I will not hold the Greater Hewitt Chamber, City of Hewitt, The Backyard, Bar, Stage 7 Grill or its members, committee, staff or volunteers responsible for damages or injury incurred during the Pre-Solar Eclipse Experience at the Backyard Bar, Stage and Grill  event on April 7, 2024.


Increased Heavy Traffic

Due to the influx of visitors to the area, be prepared for heavy traffic and/or road closures before and after the eclipse, especially on Interstate 35, as well as increased traffic on ancillary roads, and long lines at area businesses and convenience stores. The best advice is to plan ahead and leave yourself plenty of time to get to your destination. Please park only in designated areas and not on private property or in areas that cause safety issues, to view the eclipse.

People are encouraged to fill/charge automobiles completely several days prior to the eclipse as increased demand and delivery disruption may cause temporary shortages.

Communications Infrastructure (cellular towers, Wi-Fi, etc.) may be at or over capacity, and residents, visitors, and businesses will need to plan accordingly in advance of the eclipse. 

  • Carry Cash in case credit card machines are not working.
  • All visitors are encouraged to pre-map and have a physical copy of your route. Include your hotel, stores, pharmacies, hospitals/medicine clinics as well as coffee shops, convenience/grocery, etc.
  • If your hotel or other accommodation has a landline phone number, write it down.
  • Tell friends and family your travel plans; share your location. 

Order key supplies that can be stored in advance such as toiletries, food, medicine, and water. However, avoid over-ordering any supplies to prevent it from negatively affecting supply and demand for our community.

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing. 

Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.

  • Communications Infrastructure may be at or over capacity, and businesses will need to plan accordingly with employees, vendors, and more in advance of the eclipse in case Wi-Fi or cellular service goes down. Recommendations include:
  • Consider how you will communicate with employees and vendors if cellular service and Wi-Fi go down.
  • Be prepared to handle cash transactions.
  • Have manual, or hand-operated, credit card readers ready, if possible.
  • Due to the influx of visitors to the area, be prepared for heavy traffic and/or road closures before and after the eclipse, especially on Interstate 35, as well as increased traffic on ancillary roads, and long lines at area businesses and convenience stores.
  • Schedule errands and deliveries for your business several days ahead of the eclipse or several days after the eclipse.
  • Consider adjusting business hours, skeleton crews, or hybrid/virtual work, where possible, to keep employees off the road.
  • All area hotels expected to be a at capacity for 4-5 days surrounding eclipse.
  • Due to the influx of visitors, the City is requesting businesses that provide essential services such as fuel, groceries, etc. to stock up in advance of the eclipse. Order supplies that can be stored in advance such as toiletries, medicine, and water. 
  • Be prepared to report illegal dumping to the Hewitt Police Department. And Hewitt Code Enforcement Office. 
  • Hewitt Police Department non-emergency number: 254-666-6272

Use 911 for Emergencies only!

  • Protective Eyewear
  • Sunscreen and sunburn medication
  • Insect repellant
  • Drinking water
  • Medications for 2-3 days
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • First-aid kit
  • Cash (in case ATMS and credit card machines are down)
  • Medical bracelets/IDs
  • Insurance cards
  • Trash bags
  • Kids – bring activities for them (e.g., games, puzzles, toys) and plenty of healthy snacks
  • Pets – bring leashes and harnesses, medications, food, water, poop bags, toys
  • Extra water for overheated cars
  • Fix a flat kit
  • Safety flair
  • Spare tire(s)