Midway ISD Board Approves Record Tax Cut and Calls for Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election
The Midway Independent School District (ISD) Board of Trustees has given the green light to an unprecedented 18.5-cent drop in the Maintenance and Operation (M&O) tax rate. The 2023 tax rate incorporates the largest reduction in the District’s history, accomplishes state-mandated tax compression, and involves voter voice in pursuit of $3.75 million of new revenue. […]
Midway High School biology teacher honored with Outstanding Mentor Teacher award
Midway High School Honors Biology teacher Amy Smith has been named the 2023 Outstanding Mentor Teacher by the South Central Area Network for Professional Development Schools. This regional honor recognizes exceptional educators who share a dedication to the field of teaching and the partnership between institutions of higher education and pre-K-12 schools. “Mrs. Smith is a master […]
Dr. Chris Allen Named Superintendent Lone Finalist
The Midway ISD Board of Trustees named Dr. Chris Allen as lone finalist in the district’s superintendent search. The announcement followed a unanimous vote in Tuesday’s special called board meeting. Board President Pete Rusek said, “Throughout our community input sessions for the superintendent search, our community had equal comments in favor of ‘someone who knows […]
A Message from the President
Founded in the late 1800’s, the city of Hewitt has grown from a small farming community to a city full of loyal residents and growing businesses. The city of Hewitt has grown to be a city that flourishes with growing families, growing businesses while still being a lovely place to retire and even vacation. Wherever you […]